Drams For Dummies

FIRST CHANNEL TASTING!! - Featuring A Blind From Blind Barrels

January 17, 2024 Brett Season 1 Episode 2

We need another whiskey channel like we need...something that doesn't need another hole in it!!

Hi, I'm Brett, and I'm a Dummy! Why am I a Dummy? Well, first of all, I can't remember how that saying goes, but MOSTLY because I'm Dumb enough to start a new whiskey channel when there's absolutely no need for it. There's MORE than enough already and some of them are actually really good.

So for the love of God WHY?!? Because I THINK and hope that there's enough other Dummies like me out there that might appreciate watching someone drink and talk about whiskey the way you do... in your home... with no real knowledge... with friends and family... and just doing it to have fun.

I hope to build a genuine community of fellow Dummies where everyone has a voice and a seat at the table. This community will help guide what we do and how we do it. So right now, it's just me and some Dumb guests, but in the future, it could be YOU!!

So check out this CRAZY long and rambling Pilot Episode that I probably shouldn't even release because who would ever watch something like this, but again... I'M A DUMMY! 


PATREON: If you want to join this amazing community of Dummies, please click this link and consider supporting this fun adventure!!

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